Runaways is a comic book series published by Marvel Comics. The series features a group of teenagers who discover that their parents are part of an evil crime group called the Pride. Created by Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphona,
the series featured a group of six kids whose parents routinely met
every year for a charity event. One year, the kids spy on their parents
and learn they are "the Pride", a criminal group of mob bosses,
time-travelers, dark wizards, mad scientists, alien invaders and
telepathic mutants.
Current Members
Sister Grimm
Real Name : Nico Minoru
Gender : Female
Position : Leader
Aliases : None
Parents : Robert Minoru (father, presumably deceased), Tina Minoru (mother, presumably deceased).
Citizenship : U.S.A.
Place of Birth : Los Angeles, CA.
Character attributes and personality
Nico is Japanese American. She is also shown to be a very emotional
person. she is the daughter of dark wizards. Upon finding out, Nico runs
away with the rest of the runaways but later discovers that she
inherited her parents' magical aptitude. Whenever Nico bleeds, a
powerful staff emerges from her chest, allowing Nico to bend magic.
Power & Abilities :
Casts magical spells through her Staff of One, Nico being a witch,
uses magic as her weapon. In the early issues, her sole weapon had been
the Staff of One, an ancient magical staff that can cast any spell
imaginable. The second limitation of the Staff of One is that it cannot
be used to bring people back from the dead.
Real Name : Chase Stein
Gender : Male
Aliases : Chasehawk, Talkback, Neo
Parents : Victor Stein (father, deceased), Janet Stein (mother, deceased).
Citizenship : U.S.A.
Place of Birth : Los Angeles, California.
Character attributes and personality
Chase remains defiant and unafraid of his parents, firmly
establishing himself as the most rebellious and reckless of the group,
Chase is portrayed as having a free, reckless spirit, shown when he
purposely repeatedly crashes the Leapfrog. Chase Stein is the son of mad
scientists Victor and Janet Stein. The two supposedly made a fortune
from inventing a tool that removes stickers from CDs, but were actually
members of the secret group of super villains called The Pride. Victor
often physically abused Chase for talking back and for getting poor
grades in school. Chase often comes across as being a dumb, obnoxious
jock, but he is surprisingly street smart.
Power & Abilities :
Weapons : Chase stole telescopic x-ray goggles and the
Fistigons from his parents' secret laboratory. The x-ray goggles allowed
Chase to see through clothing, walls, and even through miles of rock.
The Fistigons were metal gauntlets with built-in flamethrowers. The
gloves allowed the wearer to mentally shape the produced flame into any
form the wearer desired.
Telepathic link : Before Gertrude died she passed on to Chase her
telepathic link to Old Lace, a genetically engineered deinonychus. This
empathic bond with enabled Chase to command Old Lace as he pleased, and
Old Lace innately to Chase's subconscious mood and emotions. However,
he also shared any injuries that Old Lace suffered and vice versa.
Princess Powerful/Bruiser
Real Name : Molly Hayes
Gender : Female
Aliases : Princess Powerful, Mol, Bruiser
Parents : Gene Hayes (father, deceased), Alice Hayes (mother, deceased).
Citizenship : American.
Place of Birth : Los Angeles, California.
Character attributes and personality
She is the daughter of evil villains with special abilities; after
the other older Runaways learn more about themselves, they raid Molly's
home to find out her mutant abilities had already manifested. Often
called "Mol" for short, Molly is the youngest Runaway and her innocence
often serves as humor in the series, but she has demonstrated great
insight at critical moments. Molly was originally the team's sole
mutant; despite having telepathic mutant parents, Molly's mutant powers
are superhuman strength and invulnerability
Power & Abilities :
Superhuman Strength : Molly is capable of lifting upwards of
100 tons. The upper limits of her powers have never been tested. Molly
is seen toppling monsters as large as skyscrapers, tunneling through
miles of rock and lift a car with ease.
Invulnerability : Molly appears to have some-degree of invulnerability when her powers are active.
Lucy in the Sky
Real Name : Karolina Dean
Gender : Female.
Aliases : Lucy in the Sky, K, LSD, Kar, 'Lina.
Parents : Frank Dean (father, deceased), Leslie Dean (mother, deceased).
Citizenship : U.S.A.
Place of Birth : Hollywood, California.
Character attributes and personality
She is the daughter of evil super-powered criminals; while searching
through her parent's home, Karolina inadvertently discovers that her
parents were Majesdanian invaders. Majesdanians are an alien race that
absorbs solar energy and reradiates it in the form of the colors of the
rainbow. She is often called "Kar" or "K" for short, and is known for
her free spirit and kind nature. She is a vegan and peace keeper, and
once mentioned as being a protester. Karolina is the group's only
lesbian character.
Power & Abilities :
Solar Energy Manipulation : She is able to absorb solar
radiation and convert it into a unique energy type which she can
manipulate for various uses. Karolina's powers are stronger related to
her exposure to sunlight. It is possible this is absorption of some sort
of cosmic energy. She is able to store the solar energy in every cell
of her body, even her blood.
Bio-luminescent : In her natural state, Karolina's skin and hair
are luminescent with a shimmering, rainbow-colored light of solar
radiation. Originally, Karolina was unable to control this vibrant
appearance, and required her medical alert bracelet to suppress this
ability. With practice, Karolina was able to appear human without her
Light Energy Blasts : Karolina can also project the solar energy
in a beam of variable intensity and diameter, from a wide concussive
blast to a thin laser-like cutting beam.
Force Fields : She can control the projected energy to a limited
degree forming defensive barriers, enfolding shields, or restraining
Heat Manipulation : Karolina can both withstand extremely high temperatures and emit warmth.
Flight : Karolina is able to propel herself into the air leaving a
rainbow-like trail behind. The upper limits of her speed have yet to be
determined. She is also able to carry others while flying.
Enhanced Strength : Karolina also appears to be stronger than an average human.
Old Lace
Real Name : Old Lace.
Gender : Female.
Aliases : O.L., Lace.
Parents : -.
Citizenship : U.S.A.
Place of Birth : Dinosaur World, Los Angels.
Character attributes and personality
Old Lace was given her name by Gertrude Yorkes after she had taken
the code name Arsenic, making the pair Arsenic and Old Lace, which is a
reference to a movie of the same name. Old Lace had originally belonged
to Gert's parents. The dinosaur was genetically engineered to obey all
of Gertrude's commands, meaning whenever Gert thought or felt something,
so would the dinosaur. Initially believed to be a Velociraptor, she is
later correctly identified as a Deinonychus by Victor Mancha. Due to the
psychic link that they share, Gertrude and Old Lace share emotions and
physical pain such that if Old Lace had a cut, or was injured (which is
often), Gert would have to endure her pain. After the death of Gert, the
psychic link was transferred to Chase Stein.
Power & Abilities :
Telepathic link : Old Lace is a genetically engineered
deinonychus created in the 87th century. She has brown scales with tan
spots and purple triangular spots on back and a nose ring. She has been
engineered to develop telepathic links; first with Gert and currently
Chase. She can feel the emotions of her owner, such as sadness when
Karolina left, and anger when Nico and Chase's kiss was revealed.
Victor Mancha
Real Name : Victor Mancha.
Gender : Male.
Aliases : Wolf-Swag, Devil Slayer, Static Cling Lad, Zapper,
Calculator Kid, El Diablo Robotico, Man of La Mancha, SeƱor Cyborg,
Magnetic Man, Energizer Bunny, Cool Magneto
Parents : Ultron ("father"), Marianella Mancha (mother, deceased).
Citizenship : U.S.A.
Place of Birth : Los Angeles, California.
Character attributes and personality
Victor has a supervillain for a parent but he also has a superhero
for a grandparent; his father is the robot Ultron and his grandfather is
the superhero Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym (aka Ant-Man). Victor's flesh and
natural tissue is cloned from his human mother and completely conceals
metal parts and circuitry underneath, making him a cyborg.
Power & Abilities :
Nanite Cybernetics : Victor Mancha is a cyborg, created from
DNA from Marianella Mancha and the technology of Ultron. Ultron's nanite
technology was so advanced that, over time, Victor's artificial parts
would become identical to his human parts, making it nigh impossible to
determine he was a once a cyborg. As a result, he possesses several
computer related abilities, including:
Super Intelligence : Victor has High levels of intelligence.
Photographic Memory : Victor has a literal form of photographic memory.
Computer Interfacing : He has the ability to interface with other machines directly.
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Agility
Automated Self-Repairing : He has some manner of self-reparation
through his nanites. In combat, however, Victor primarily employs his
electromagnetic abilities, which had briefly caused the Runaways to
consider Electro, Magneto, and other villains with electromagnetic
abilities as his father.
Electromagnetic Manipulation : Victor has been shown capable of
directing electricity outwards as damaging, high voltage electric blasts
from his hands, as well as using his magnetic abilities to reshape and
bend metallic objects to his will. In the future glimpsed by Nico where
Victor is a villain, he is seen flying into the ruins of what is
presumably Avengers Mansion, although he has not exhibited powers of
flight in the present day.
Tower of Flower/Rose Red
Real Name : Klara Prast.
Gender : Female.
Aliases : Rose Red, Tower of Flower.
Parents : -.
Citizenship : U.S.A, Swiss.
Place of Birth : Bern, Switzerland.
Character attributes and personality
Besides Karolina, Molly is the one member Klara connects well with,
because of their ages, even though it can seem that Klara is "much older
and wiser than Molly because of the way she's grown up and the life
she's experienced already." However, living in the 21st century has made
her experience the fun and joys in life. Klara's ability is to control,
or "talk to" (as she puts it), plants. Her name is a play on the word
chloroplast, relating to her plant powers. When her family discovered
her powers, they married her off to someone moving to America (even
though she was still a child), where she ran into the Runaways in 1907,
who later brought her back to the present with them. Klara is roughly
Molly's age, has jet-black hair twisted in a braid, and gray eyes.
Power & Abilities :
Klara controlling vegetation, Klara is a "wonder", an early 20th
century term for a super-humanly powered individual. Genetically Klara
is a mutant and has demonstrated the following abilities:
Botanopathy: Klara possesses the ability to communicate with plant life. Roses, specifically, are able to speak back to her.
Chlorokinesis: Klara can control plants movement and growth. By
controlling vegetation, Klara can form shields, attack enemies, etc.
Though Klara seems to have a preference towards roses, but it appears
she can control any form of plant life.
Klara is fluent in both English and German.
Klara is surprisingly adept at videogames.
Former Member
Alex Wilder
Real Name : Alex Wilder.
Gender : Male.
Position : Former Leader
Aliases : -.
Parents : Geoffrey Wilder (father, deceased),
Catherine Wilder (mother, deceased).
Citizenship : U.S.A.
Place of Birth : Los Angeles, CA.
Character attributes and personality
Alex is the team's de facto leader in the title's first volume, temporarily ranking Alex among the list of African-American superhero team leaders. Unlike the rest of the team, Alex does not possess powers of any kind but is a child prodigy in the fields of logic and strategy, both of which assist Alex greatly during his time as leader. Thin, black, and with a signature afro,
Alex outed himself as the Runaway's secret mole to their evil parents,
and met his tragic demise after being blown into ashes by the Gibborim.
Power & Abilities :
Highly intelligent and skilled leader. Prodigy level abilities in logic and strategy.
Gertrude Yorkes
Real Name : Gertrude "Gert" Yorkes.
Gender : Female.
Aliases : -.
Parents : Dale Yorkes (father, deceased), Stacey Yorkes (mother, deceased).
Citizenship : U.S.A.
Place of Birth : Los Angeles, California.
Character attributes and personality
Gertrude, often called "Gert" for short, is often regarded as the most "book-smart" of the Runaways yet also the most sarcastic and cynical. She has socialist leanings and is ethnically Jewish but spiritually agnostic. Gert is known for her sarcastic one-liners, a pair of glasses, and brown dyed purple hair. She stands at a rough height of 5'1" and weighs 125 lb (57 kg).
In 2008, named Gert's death as the sixth out of ten best deaths in Marvel Comics history.
Power & Abilities :
Telepathic link: Gertrude is telepathically link to a genetically engineered deinonychus. This empathic bond with Old Lace
enabled Gertrude to command Old Lace as she pleased, however, she also
shared any injuries that Old Lace suffered and vice versa.
Real Name : Gertrude "Gert" Yorkes.
Gender : Female.
Aliases : -.
Parents : De'zean (father);
Citizenship : Skrull.
Place of Birth : Los Angeles, California.
Character attributes and personality
Xavin had first appeared to the Runaways, taking on the form of a black
male, but changed into a black female just for the sake of Karolina Dean, a lesbian whom she was to marry. Regardless, Xavin is also often seen as a male, simply to be "intimidating". Xavin, often called "Xav" for short, is known for her obnoxious and warlike personality.
She had originally found it hard to fit in with the runaways because of
her constant gender switching, and adapted to the group fairly slowly. She is the daughter of the famed Skrull Prince De'zean.
Power & Abilities :
Skrull Shape-Shifting: Like other Skrulls,
Xavin is a shape-shifter. They can mentally cause the unstable
molecules that comprise his or her body to become pliant, enabling him
or her to assume other forms through muscular expansion and contraction.
Once a new shape has been assumed, it takes a conscious act of will to
assume another form or revert to natural. Hence, Skrulls do not
spontaneously lose their assumed form when asleep or unconscious.
Skrulls in altered form will, however, revert to their original forms at
the moment of death.
Super Skrull Engineering
Skrull Military Training: Xavin is a trained Skrull soldier.
Aviation: Xavin is trained in the use of the advanced warp-drive starships of the Skrull-military.
Unarmed Combat: Xavin is trained in the unarmed combat of the Skrull-military, he is also quite experienced; due to his involvement in the Kree-Skrull War.
Marksmanship: Xavin is trained in the use of the ranged energy-weaponry of the Skrull-military.
Notes : Runaways adalah team favorit gue didalam Marvel universe, selain
karena mereka masih dibilang karakter superheroes remaja diMarvel
universe, begitu juga karakter-karakter mereka yang berbeda didalam
team, mereka juga memiliki cerita yang unik dan berbeda dari komik-komik
yang lain. Runaways juga tidak sulit untuk diikuti seperti komik
Avengers dan komik team-team sebelumnya yang dahulu pernah ada. Runaways
adalah team favorit gue setelah Young Avengers, Avengers, Next
Avengers, Power Pack, New Avengers.
Isu yg beredar untuk Film Runaways?
Dikarenakan gue favorit banget sama ini team, Ini juga salah satu kegembiraan ane
ketika ini akan difilmkan oleh pihak Marvel, dan semakin excited untuk
menunggu dan update tentang Runaways, maka dari itu jikalau kalian sebelum ngeliat film ini, terlebih dahulu kalian membaca komik tentang mereka.
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